The Dilemma of Going For the Best or the Nearest Yoga Classes

There is a welcome awakening among the people. This awakening is towards the adoption of our ancient or traditional wisdom, with all its practices, rituals and principles, which permeated the daily lives. This awakening has brought to light the need for 360 degree change in lifestyles away from the so-called modern lifestyle to the more traditional one. One aspect of this key change noticeable among the masses is the adoption of yoga. While this ancient science of wellness has existed for thousands of years, the awakening on mass scale has happened only now, thanks to some of the prominent yoga gurus of this and the past generation and the mediums of mass communication. The role of Late Shri BKS Iyengar , Baba Ram Dev , Shri K. Pattabhi Jois and other yoga exponents has been crucial in this awakening. Not surprisingly, you find that a whole lot of people are learning yoga and some of them are taking to teaching this wellness regime to the people as well. Many cities o...