Apana Vayu Imbalances and Methods of Correction


Our body has five vayus, just as it has the five energy chakras. These five vayus provide health and vitality to the different parts of the body which help in normal functioning of the body. These airs, or vayus, are identified as Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana. Each of these has its own role to play. While the Prana Vayu provides vitality and liveliness to life, Apana Vayu anchors the breath, Samana Vayu helps in maintaining the balance, Udana Vayu signifies the ascent of breath and Vyana vayu is responsible for integrating the breath.

Each of these vayus can get imbalanced which can cause ailments. These imbalances manifest in the form of different symptoms. Once you know what the symptoms are, you are able to know where the problem lies. Another good thing is that most of these imbalances can be corrected naturally, using different yoga poses or breathing techniques.

Apana Vayu, the one which is seated in abdomen or pelvic area of the body, can also get imbalanced. It plays a key role in balancing the emotions and the negative thoughts. These imbalances lead to problems like poor elimination of the waste, skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis, improper digestion, reproductive organs-related issues and menstruation. Besides affecting the physical body, it also affects the mental health of the person by causing depression, tiredness, indecisiveness, negativity and depression.

The pranayama or breathing exercise which is believed to restore the balance of this vayu is the Kapal Bhatti pranayama. By doing this pranayama, you forcefully exhale the breath and the inhalation and exhalation happens in rhythmic manner.

The yoga poses can also help in restoring the balance of Apana Vayu. These are Prasarita Padottana asana, Vriksha Asana, Baddha Konasana and Shalab Asana.

These poses need to be practiced regularly, preferably daily, for some months in order to restore the balance. A balanced Apana Vayu speeds up the process of Pranotthana which is a must for Kundalini awakening.


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