Asanas That Can Provide Relief From Asthma


Modern medical science treats asthmatic condition by providing inhale medicine for quick relief. For treating asthma effectively using a holistic approach incorporating the modern medicine as well as alternative traditional wellness practices shall be used. The condition for asthma can be prevented, relieved or even reversed by regular practice of certain yoga asanas.  These postures are given here.

1.  Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal twist)


2.  Virabhadra Asana (Warrior Pose)

3.  Danda Asana (Staff Pose)


4.  Salamba Sarvanga Asana (Shoulder Stand)


5.  Ustra Asana (Camel Pose)


6.  Savasana (Corpse Pose)


7.  Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog stretch)


8.  Setu Bandh Aasana (Bridge pose)


9.  Bhujang Asana (Cobra pose)


10.              Baddhakon Asana (Butterfly pose)


11.              Poorvottan Asana (Upward plank pose)


Basically, these are the postures which help in improving the flow of air in lungs for asthma patients. Also, these helps in developing strength, helping with the inflammation issues that manifest as asthma and reduce the stress levels which can also lead to reduction in air flow in lung due to constriction of air passages.

It is important to perform these asanas with an expert practitioner who has experience in using yoga for asthma. Another important aspect to take care is the contraindications of each of these postures. These ensure that you do these without much of discomfort.


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