Breathing Exercises For Asthma Patients


Breath and life are inseparable. People who have difficulty in breathing, we call them asthma patients, know the value of every breath. The medical condition of asthma can arise due to a number of reasons. These reasons could be due to the physical limitation of the body or even due to the environmental factors. Whatever may be the reason, people look for solutions to this problem. While the regular medication is available now and provide relief in no time, there are certain natural ways of preventing the asthma attack. One of the best natural ways of controlling this condition is by breathing exercises.

We know that the patients of asthma have a low carbon dioxide level. This level can be maintained at normal levels with regular breathing exercises which not only prevents the asthmatic condition to arise but may also cure it. So, what are the breathing exercises for asthma patients?

a)  Anulom Vilom - This is also called the alternate nostril breathing. This exercise is done by inhaling from one nostril while keeping the other one closes. Inhaling is done from one and exhaling from the other. While exhaling the first nostril is blocked. This is also called by the name of Nadi Shodhana, meaning purifying the nerves.

This also stimulates the Ida and Pingala nadis and brings a balance in energy flow in the body.

b)  Kapalbhati- This is the breathing exercise in which the air is exhaled using the diaphragm to push out the air. Inhalation and exhalation is done in rhythmic manner through the nostrils. This creates a good deal of energy and heat in the body.

c)  Bhastrika: This is another type of pranayama in which the inhalation and exhalation of the breath is done forcefully, through the nostrils.

These are three main types of pranayama which can be helpful for asthma. There are other breathing exercises, which are variants of these given above, that are helpful in asthma cases. All diaphragmatic sine wave breathing exercises are good for this medical condition but these need to be practiced daily and for a long period of time. You shall not expect to get the relief immediately. These have to be in-built into the daily routine just as you take out time for having food daily.

Another important point to note is that you shall do these exercises only till the point you are comfortable doing these. These shall not be exerted too much so as to cause discomfort or aggravate the situation. If needed, take breaks in between.

You have to understand that the capacity of the lungs will be expanded gradually and expecting too much too soon can, in fact, be counterproductive. So, just relax and build up on these exercises gradually.


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