Pranayama for Asthma Patients- For Effective Natural Treatment

When an asthma attack comes, it feels as if life is going to be sucked out. There are many causes of this medical condition and most of the time people resort to modern medicine to control the condition. However, ancient wellness practices of India, particularly yoga postures, pranayama and meditation can together help by preventing its occurrence in the first place. While yoga postures for asthma patients have been described in another article, this one describes the effects of pranayama for asthma.

Pranayama is a type of breathing exercise only which comprises of three parts- inhalation, exhalation and retention of breath. Yoga breathing exercises help in improving control over prana and muscles of lungs which help in breathing. This helps in controlling the attack. The breathing exercises for asthma patients can be categorized into three –

a)  Retention of breath after exhalation- This helps in maintaining proper levels of carbon dioxide in body. This is not easy to do in beginning and requires practice.

b)  Second is the diaphragm muscle training- By using the rhythmic sine wave breath training gently, the diaphragm muscles are strengthened.

c)  Musculo-skeletan training also help in increasing the flexibility of Thoracic cage.

The breathing exercises which are of good help in asthmatic conditions are Anuloma Viloma and Kapalbhati. Anuloma Viloma is also called alternate nostril breathing (ANB).

All of these exercises shall be done under the guidance of an expert instructor. Giving 15 minutes to 30 minutes of time daily to these exercises is a good way of preventing or controlling the severity of disease. These help in oxygenation of the body and strengthening of muscles of lungs.



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