Udana Vayu- Importance, Imbalances and Corrections


Udana Vayu is one of the five chakras present in our body, the others being Prana, Vyana, Apana and Samana. The seat of this energy centre is located in the throat region. The Udana Vayu plays an important role in energy balance in the body. It carrier upwards the air from the throat region to the head. This air chakra corresponds with the Vishuddha energy chakra and the Ajna (also called the Third Eye) energy chakra.

The element of nature which is controlled by Udana Vayu is the ether. The significance of the Udana Vayu is that it controls the production of sound, speech and expression of thought. It is also responsible for maintaining health of the respiratory system and throat. If there are imbalances in the Udana Vayu, then it can lead to diseases in this part of the body. So, the problems of tonsillitis, asthma, bronchitis and other associated issues can be attributed to the imbalances in this vayu.

Imbalances in the Udana Vayu also affects the central nervous system of the body as it rests at a place which is acts as bridge between the brain and rest of the body.

Certain yogic practices have been associated with this air flow. One of these is the Jalandhara Bandh. This bandh is about locking the air in throat region by dropping the chin down. Therefore, it is also called the chin lock. This practice allows to stimulate the udana vayu chakra.

How do the Imbalances of the Udana Vayu Manifest?

If a person has problem in speech coordination, working less than efficiently either physically or mentally, confusion, non-clarity and indecision are some of the signals of imbalance of this vayu.

How to Restore the Balance?

One of the ways to restore the balance in Udana Vayu is by performing certain pranayama and yoga asanas.

The pranayama prescribed for correcting the Udana Vayu imbalance in the Ujjayi pranayama.

The most effective of yoga poses for bringing back the balance is halasana, setu bandha, sarvang asana, Shirshasana, Matsya asana and Simha asana.

For those who are practicing these asanas for the first time, there will be certain discomfort and bodyaches. It is always suggested to know the contraindications and associated precautions with each of these asanas before performing these. The performance of these poses might vary from person to person depending on a number of factors.


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