Ujjayi Pranayama and Thyroid Problem
Ujjayi Pranayama is one of the basic breathing exercises which are helpful in maintaining overall wellness, across all its aspects-physical, mental and spiritual. Ujjayi pranayama is believed to be helpful in treating a number of diseases, particularly those of thyroid. Thyroid problem is generally related to either its under-activity or over-activity.
Hypothyroidism is the underactivity of the thyroid gland which leads to lethargy, slowness in heart-beat, unwillingness to do any work, depressed state of mind and reduction in metabolism of body which is the prime reason for gaining weight. So, hypothyroidism patients are generally obese.
This is the condition in which the thyroid gland is over-active. This leads to increase in metabolism rate of the body which reduces the weight of the person to below normal levels, increase the state of agitation which results in increase in heart-rate and, therefore, causes organs to overwork.
How is Ujjayi Pranayama Helpful in both cases?
In both Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, the Ujjayi breathing technique is useful in maintaining the balance and regulating the secretion of hormones through the gland.
The reason why Ujjayi Pranayama for thyroid is best lies in the way this technique is done.
Throat plays an important role in this pranayama. There is a requirement of constricting the throat, in particular the glottis part of the pharynx, during this exercise which makes it beneficial for thyroid. When inhalation is during with this constricted throat, there is a narrowing down of the air passageways and the inhaled air faces friction while entering the wind pipe. This stimulates the throat region, generates heat which warms up the throat region and also stimulates it as the parts of the throat region get massaged. During the course of inhalation the region behind the nasal cavity and throat is also stimulated which affects the nerves and muscles in that region.
Regular practice of this pranayama is, therefore, helpful in regulating thyroid functioning as well as in clearing the air passageways. This is also good for regulating the energy chakras in the body and is, therefore, one of the prime exercises for awakening of Kundalini energy flow throughout the body. At its best, it leads to spiritual transformation of the person with positive energies flowing through the being and being able to connect with the higher realms of existence.
Practicing Ujjayi breathing can be done for any length of time, so long as you are comfortable doing it. It might take some days of trials and errors before settling down on the right path of doing it.
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