Pranayama As Replacement of Antacid As Remedies for Gassiness


Gas, acidity and heartburn are common problems of people. A major reason for this problem is the lifestyle of people. Within this element of lifestyle are the twin factors of exercise and eating habits, which are responsible for a large part of this problem. Medically, you can pop in a pill of an antacid or, may be, have a dispersible powder like Eno mixed in water for drinking. This gives relief from acidity. For gas, the most common medical remedy prescribed is to give a capsule or pill empty stomach. Have you tried doing some natural home remedies for gassiness as a replacement for this problem?


It is a fact that there are other remedies for this problem. Taking a few gulps of cold, fat-skimmed milk will resolve the problem of acidity and heartburn immediately. Taking a walk, exercising regularly, taking more alkaline food and changing the eating habits are some of the popular ways of resolving the issue. However, one notable treatment of Pranayama is held to be very effective in dealing with this problem in the long run. This is a good alternative replacement to the antacids.


While replacing antacids with pranayama, it has to be understood that it is going to take some time to be effective. And, doing pranayama does not mean that you can be undisciplined in your eating habits.


Pranayama is one exercise which will help in improving the digestive fire. By doing anulom vilom, kapalbhati, surya bhedan, chandra bhedana or other breathing exercises on daily basis, you will be able to improve functioning of the whole body parts and its systems. This will oxygenate the cells of body, bring more vitality to body. These also gives massage and exercise to the body parts, particularly the organs in abdomen. This will enable you to improve digestion of food and also its absorption in intestines. At the same time, it reduces the cholesterol levels in body and prevents its accumulation in our arteries. It reduces body weight, control blood sugar, regulates blood pressure, improves digestion, eases out excreta and improves other bodily functions.


With these benefits of pranayama, you would certainly not like to lose the initiative by being undisciplined in eating habits. You have to reduce the hunger pangs which make you eat far more than what your body needs. By sparing good time between the meals and eating only when you are very hungry you would be able to bring in good effects of pranayama and gain control over gas, acidity and heartburn.


The distinctive benefit of pranayama over other home remedies for these problems is that this overhauls the whole body systems whereas other home remedies are essentially directed towards only gas or acidity. Therefore, it is a much better replacement of the antacids.


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