Short and Long Term Solutions for Acidity Problem
It is quite common to find that acidity is a major problem in the population today. As the name suggests, it is because of the prevalence of acidic content in the stomach. This acidic content could happen due to a number of reasons. Therefore, all the solutions for this problems are based on neutralizing this acidic content. Whether you take the medicine or use the home remedies for treating acidity problem, the effort is to neutralize this by intake of basic materials. Since part of the problem is also due to lifestyle, there is also an advocacy for following the right lifestyle in order to solve this problem. Making these lifestyle changes is a long-term solution and require discipline and commitment from the people. Both the short term and the long term changes are required in order to solve the acidity problem once and for all.
Short term Solutions
Acidity can cause a lot of discomfort. Chronic acidity is also very difficult to manage as it causes the heartburn and can even lead to development of ulcers if this persists for long time. So, let us begin with some of the most usual instant relief methods, the ones which can be done using the home kitchen based materials.
1. Fat-free milk- Milk is available in all homes. Having cold milk (during summers) and normal milk (during winters) can rid of this problem almost instantly. Therefore, this is one of the most readily available quick solution for the acidity problem. For the people who are intolerant to milk, they do not have to drink full glass. Gulping down a few sips is sufficient to resolve this.
2. Jaggery- Another important way to get immediate relief is to use jaggery. It is also used extensively in homes. It was used quite commonly after the meals as it was believed to have helped the digestive effort. After its consumption, it takes on basic characteristics which helps in neutralizing the acid formed. This method shall not be used by the diabetic people.
3. Use of baking soda- Baking soda is also found in every kitchen. This is basic in characteristics and is a known anti-acid. This has to be consumed by mixing one spoon in warm water and then drinking it. This also works to provide immediate relief. However, this remedy is not meant for people who have high blood pressure since baking soda has high sodium content.
Long Term Solutions
While these short term solutions are important to know so that the relief can be got almost immediately, there are certain long term efforts that can be done.
1. Eat when hungry- Your body tells you when you are hungry. Let the hunger grow a little bit. Do not eat at the first instance of feeling hungry. Give it some time. Do not keep eating all the time as this keeps the stomach busy and makes it overwork.
2. Chew well while eating- Even when you are very hungry, you must give time to the chewing process. This bites down the food to very small particles which is easy to digest and the stomach does not have to work overtime to digest it. This means that there will be less acidic content.
3. Avoid junk food-You shall avoid taking in junk food too often. You can have it occasionally for the sake of taste but less nutrition to body shall not become a habit. This will help in keeping the body systems performing well.
4. Daily exercises or physical activity- Howsoever little you might consume, if you are just sitting whole day, you are inviting the trouble of acidity and gas. Therefore, keep up with the physical exercises and physical activity. You shall make it a habit to take walk. This movement of body, particularly intestines, helps in release of gas and easing out of the bowels.
5. Pranayama is also helpful in controlling the instance of acidity as it helps in igniting the digestive fire which works to digest the food better by improving the metabolism of the body.
With these solutions, one can get over the problem of acidity over a period of time.
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