Yoga Poses For Treatment of Asthma- A Real Possibility or a Distant Hope?


Yoga is not just about some poses. It is also about certain common breathing exercises which are called pranayama. These poses have proved helpful in case of many diseases. For asthmatic patients, the role of yoga as a treatment is debatable. While no modern doctor would say that yoga shall not be practiced by asthma sufferers, they would not like to call it a panacea for their ailment. The researchers around the world have notified the help provided by yoga poses for asthma patients, but they are not unanimous in counting it as an effective treatment of the ailment.

Yoga asanas do provide stretch, strength and flexibility to the muscles of lungs and helps in opening up of the air passageways. Breathing exercises also do the same. However, these are believed to be helpful in preventing the disease. But, there could be other factors at play such as pollution or stress, which can lead to asthma issue. Regular practice of yoga and breathing exercises over the years might be helpful in preventing its occurrence on the condition that other factors are kept in check to manageable levels.

To say that yoga could be a treatment for asthma might not be agreeable to many experts. Some even opine that yoga is helpful only in mild cases of asthma and not in chronic cases. Studies also have different results. While there is no one who would say ‘No’ to regular practice of yoga and breathing exercises for this purpose, there is no ‘Yes’ either for its use as a treatment.

The best part is to keep doing yoga poses for asthma, even in the chronic condition, and do not leave the regular medicine which you are taking for this condition.

So, what the best yoga poses? Cow and Child pose variations, Ustrasana, Savasana, Setu Bandh Asana, Bhujang Asana, Poorvottan Asana and Bhujanga Asana are some of the poses which shall be practiced regularly.




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